MOMMY: Nov 3rd, the day we had been anxiously waiting for. We went for the ultrasound bright and early. The nurse started showing us all the baby parts checking to make sure all things looked normal. She checked the heart, fingers, toes, brain, profile of the face which made me cry and then it was time for gender. She said well, "It's definitely a boy." I think I actually started to giggle. I was like a boy? What? I guess I just assumed we'd have a girl... never quite pictured myself with a boy. I guess the two dreams I had about having a boy was preparing me. My mom actually had a dream I was having a boy too. Everyone says boys love their mommies. I get more excited each day that passes. Finding a name continues to be a challenge though. Michael and I are having a hard time agreeing so it may be down to the wire.
I've been feeling pretty good these days. I actually started working PT so that's been nice. I even felt so good one weekend that I went camping with Michael and Ellie. Let's just say though that won't be happening again for quite some time. Those 3-4 bathroom breaks at night is not as much fun out in the woods. I feel like I can feel my stomach stretching. I have gained 12 pounds... yikes. I think a few body parts weigh at least 5-6 pounds each though for sure. :)
A son! WOW... Even though I voted for a son... I never actually expected that we would have one. I feel comfortable with sweet little Ellie. I'm good with a daughter. A boy is a whole new ball game! Despite my uneasiness... I'm fired up. I'm really excited to have a boy. A boy will do the things with me that no one else really wants to do. A boy will accompany me on the not so cleverly thought out plots that I seem to always get myself into!
It's been fun to watch T's reaction to the news. She was obviously not expecting a boy either. Her entire experience has been girls. She is great with girls and I think that has her nervous that she won't be great with a boy. I think just the opposite. I think she is going to really love having a son. She can throw a football and is as witty as any guy I know. Any boy in this house will appreciate and respect T out of sheer envy! Combine all of this with her amazing mothering/nurturing spirit and there's sure to be a tight bond between these two. I can't wait to watch it form.
The baby is growing to proper proportions these days. It is really starting to feel real! If we could just decide upon a name. So far Teshia likes Jacob, Jake, Tucker, Ethan and Hank among others. I'm a fan of Ely and tonight when I mentioned it to Teshia... she liked it! At some point we'll settle on something that we both like.