There is no hiding that boy now. :) I'm trying to figure out how I can keep expanding but somehow the body continues to do so. I've gained 28 pounds.....yikes. One 4 week period I gained 9 pounds....I about fell out and then the next 4 week period I only gained 1 pound. I guess the body just does what it has to do sometimes. I've been feeling pretty good...still lots of energy for the most part. I do get tired especially in the evenings sometimes. My feet hurt late in the day but I've found one pair of comfy shoes I wear every day that help. I've even had to purchase some support hose. I'm not afraid to say it. :) I have a few lovely veins that have decided to pop out on the back of my legs....pretty yucky. My dr visits have gone well. I did the gestational diabetes test at 28 weeks and tested negative. Wahoo!! They did determine I was slightly anemic so I've been taking an iron supplement and vitamin C each day. I now start going to the Dr every 2 weeks and so my next appt is Friday the 16th. This past Tues we did the 3D/4D ultrasound and WOW....that's all I have to say. It was truly amazing and took my breath away when I saw that little booger. He is soooo cute!! His room is starting to come together. Michael get's husband of the year award for putting the baby bed together. There was only a few cuss words involved too. :) We've pretty much decided our little guy's name will be Elijah Michael Ford and we'll call him Eli. Ellie is pumped. We were a little concerned about the spelling being so close to her name but we want to keep with the traditional name/spelling of it. March 26 is getting closer and closer and I'm READY!!!!! I have my Knox baby shower next weekend and my Nashville baby shower is Feb 7th. Two fun things to look forward to in getting me through these next few weeks. We also have to decide on a pediatrician so I interviewed one today and will be interviewing another next week. The joys of getting ready for the little bundle of joy!!
I am amazed by the growth of the baby this past month. Teshia has really begun to fill out and I can feel the powerful kicks and jabs of little Eli much more than in the past. The 4d ultrasound was overwhelming. Actually seeing a picture of my son before he is born is amazing. He yawned, sucked on his little arm and stretched his neck! Teshia and I just watched in amazement! Teshia is doing great!
I put the baby crib together. Who would have ever thought that a 200 lb baby bed could be put together with a 2 inch allen wrench. All I know is that when and if I ever do meet the guy that thought of it, I'm going to punch him square in the nose.