She has risen!! I am finally having better days and I'm sooooo happy. I'm over the bronchitis too which wasn't much fun the past few weeks. My 16th week appt which was on Oct 10 went well. I opted not to do the special testing (down syndrome) etc. I wasn't sure what to do so just decided not to add extra stress to something that is out of our control. It is now the countdown to our Nov 3rd, 20 week appt, which is when we find out the sex of the baby. There are many rooting for a boy but I'm not sure I'll know what to do with a boy considering I have 4 nieces and Miss Ellie. We'll take whatever is healthy though that's for sure!! My belly you can see is defintely starting to show.
The first trimester is finally over and I'm happy to see that Teshia is starting to feel better! Despite the normal pregnancy emotional ups and downs, she is able to exercise with me and ... well ... get out of bed! Things are looking up!
I'm really looking forward to the 20 week ultrasound. I think once I know the sex of the baby, I'll better be able to connect. We're already trying to figure out how we are going to do so many of the things we currently do with a new baby. I'm going to have to start getting up at 5 in order to get the run in and to still be able to participate in the morning routine! Good Lord! We decided not to do some of the testing that is available at 16 weeks. I'm just not sure what difference it would have made for us to know earlier whether our child isn't perfect. No need for the added stress.
At some point in the very near future, we're going to have to start getting the nursery ready.
Billy just showed this to me. Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. BTW I opted out of the screen with my last 3 (I did whatever they told me the first time around) for the same reasons. I have had many friends who got negative results, stressed out and then had perfect babies. Can't wait to see next month!
This blog is so cute! All your pictures :) I'm so glad you are feeling better. Enjoy this 2nd trimester :)
we didn't do the 16 week test either- just made no sense to us.
Love your blog and the pics! Just can't vote yet...have a few days left to prognosticate :-)
you have a blog too! :) yay! work is going good so far. i like having a real reason to be out of the house. we'll definitely have to do lunch again soon.
look at you...still tiny!
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